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Kia ora, my name is Jo Young. I was born and raised in Palmerston North. In 2008 after completing a Bachelor of Applied Visual Imaging at UCOL in Palmerston North, I moved to Whanganui in 2009 where I completed my Honours year in Computer Graphic Design at UCOL. Then in 2012, I lived in Wellington and achieved a Certificate in Management Studies, the first year of an MBA at Victoria University, before moving to Melbourne for some work and life experience. Fast forward to 2024, I have returned to my passion (that never really left me) to become a teacher. I would love to encourage young people to live their fullest potential.

I believe the design process can teach young people a lot about thinking and identity in a way that can ignite passion and lead to creative solutions that connects with the world around us and inspires them to “tohaina ō painga ki te ao – Share your gifts with the world.” – Next Foundation. In an inspirational book called World Changing: A Users Guide To The 21st Century, the book begins with a foreword from Al Gore who says, “…we need a generation of everyday heroes, people who – whatever their walks of life – have the courage to think in fresh ways and to act…” It would be amazing to be part of empowering young people to be everyday heroes.

Joanne Young

Kia Ora

Inspirational Influences


"We don't need a miracle to win this race; we need a movement. We need millions more people who are committed to doing their part to embrace good ideas, find new solutions in their own work, and live and share what they learn.

Each of us has a part to play. Each of us can be a part of that movement to change the world, and the best part is that what's needed is not unflinching loyalty to some supreme leader, or mystical adherence to some cult's belief system, but millions of us doing our best to think for ourselves and share what we know...

The world needs more passionate people, deeply engaged with the business of designing their own lives in ways that speak to them. From passion comes creativity, and from creativity come better answers."

– Alex Steffen

Editor, World Changing: A User's Guide For The 21st Century


“The bottom line is this: if something makes you feel really horrible and overtime it’s destroying you, maybe back off it a little.

If something makes you super happy and your health, and your mood, and everything elevate every time you do it, maybe do that instead.”

– Martha Beck

Best Selling Author and Life Coach

PhD from Harvard and wrote in Oprah Winfrey's magazine for 17 years

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"It's a pity that the majority of what we do is promote or sell products for clients. I have nothing against selling. I do it, too. But I also think design can do so much more. It can inform, delight, provoke, support and simplify someone's life."

– Stefan Sagmeister

International Award Winning Designer and Lecturer at SVA in New York

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"In the 21st Century, the skills you need to be successful are constantly changing... but the one constant through it all now and forever will be emotional intelligence.

– Darren Hardy

International Success Mentor to CEOS & High Achievers

"Education of the whole person is required. It is not sufficient to pass on knowledge in the classroom in the arts and sciences – our youth must also be taught what it is to be a great citizen – to be a young man or woman of outstanding character; to do what is right when no one is watching; to act with courage, integrity, respect, humility; to work hard; to communicate well; to develop high emotional intelligence as well as a high level of intelligence."


– Paul King

Leadership Director at Palmerston North Boys' High School for the first 12 years of the Leadership Programme from 2006 to early 2018

“We ask young men to be contributors. It is in their responses to this request where we see their potential - a turn of phrase, a quality response when challenged, the willingness to recognise others successes and winning with humility or losing with dignity.

It is through contributions of this nature that our young men learn respect, including of our past and they can begin to understand their part in the Grammar of today, and the legacy they leave for the community of tomorrow.


The mystique of The Grammar Way is woven into the fabric of this transition – a young man understanding he belongs, and that what he belongs to is far greater than himself. Then, understanding the responsibilities and sacrifices that come with that.” 


– Tim O'Connor

Headmaster of Auckland Grammar School

Founder of the Leadership Programme at

Palmerston North Boys' High School in 2006

"The best protest we can do right now is: be Māori. Be who we are, live our values, speak our reo, care for our mokopuna [grandchildren], our awa (rivers), our maunga (mountains), just be Māori. Maori all day, every day. We are here. We are strong.”


– Kiingi Tūheitia

Māori King at the Hui at Tūrangawaewae Marae in Ngāruawāhia

My Strengths

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Wildest Dreams Do Come True

God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams! 


– Ephesians 3:20 Msg

Joanne Young

Ethnicity:  New Zealand Born Chinese


Phone:     +64 021 237 2533

© 2024 Joanne Young

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